Monday, 15 December 2014

Luke Fifteenth.......December 15

I feel lost about this chapter.  Again as I crack open my Bible to sit to write I wonder in my soul, "Will any insight from South Asia make this text deeper?"  This chapter holds too many.

 I read and see in my mind, dowries and women newly married with their precious key to a metal wardrobe full of brand new things that are theirs, proof of their worth.  Or poorer women with a key to a tiny chest with precious items that they carry as proof of their wedding. 

That coin found by the woman wielding her lanp was not lost money but part of her dowry.  Instead of thinking a lost coin amongst ten, instead imagine that one of her diamonds fell out of her wedding ring.  Or better yet she lost her wedding ring.  Her coins were her dowry, her worth, her tangible pieces of a covenantal promise. 

We once were lost.  Separated, despondent and in captivity.  Then in dawning comprehensible Jesus came.  He was born human in humility under the authority of human rulers of unimaginable pride, greed, and evil.  He lived perfectly.   Died at the hands of the unjust bearing our punishment so that we could be called His children.  Sinners found.  Sinners repentant welcomed as sons.

We are redeemed.  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.  In this season of celebrating births let us not forget to celebrate our own second births.  Our being born again!  Let this season be all about births as you share with neighbors, friends, and even families about how Jesus' birth brought the possibility of our being reborn.

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