Sunday, 14 December 2014

December Fourteenth.........Luke Fourteen

Jesus' birthday approaches.  It comes quickly.   Do we find it ourselves excited because of presents, good food, decorations, and family?  Are we content to celebrate without Jesus at the center.  A sort of holiday that if all familiar holiday things were removed we would not be content.   If those things were missing we would be devastated but if Jesus was missing we would not notice. 

Is all we want for Christmas a white topping and certain family members close by the hearth?  Those are not bad things in themselves but at the depth of our beings do we fancy those things more important for Christmas than Christ?  This is the question I am asking myself today.

That is why I love Jesus' story about the wedding.  We miss the meaning of this story in our culture where seating is assigned carefully and no invited guest would dare to sit in the first row in the mother-in-law chair.  Can you imagine!  Some library friend, or co-worker just marches to the front and plops down right down in the front row. 

In South Asia there is no assigned seating and people move around in the room.  In fact you move up and in further to a room and are re-assigned seating constantly as guests come and go. 

Beautifully choreographed by a host of family members you move within the seating within different rooms.  As you move you get closer and closer in towards the bride or groom.  One waits and waits for the honor of sitting with either the bride or groom.  Then you eat and go.  What if there was no bride?  Or groom? 

Jesus in his story reminds the listeners about humility.  Who really is the most important at a wedding?  Yourself or the bride and groom?  Let us not be like those listening who thought they were the ones being celebrated. 

As Christmas approaches let us in humility ask Jesus how we can honor Him this holiday.  May we lay aside our ideas of personal desires and delight in making Jesus known by loving well those around us. 

As I've striven to weave a focus on Jesus in the season into my family culture I've felt a sense of satisfaction.  However it was a fleeting satisfaction.   At a Jesus Birthday Party this weekend asked whose birthday we were celebrating Zana waved all four limbs in the air excitedly shouting,  "My burfday, My burfday!  It is MINE!!" All dozen children looked at her surprised.  And then a few wondered if perhaps it was their birthday.  Nope!  It is Jesus'.

This season at the Core is about a Wedding to which we are invited.  May we humbly celebrate that we even have a seat at the Wedding Party of the Lamb because of Jesus.  If you feel yourself in the stresses or situations fraught with tripping points reverting towards selfishness ask Your King for help.

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