Wednesday, 17 December 2014

December Seventeenth........Luke Seventeen

All about thanksgiving, this chapter.  Firstly Jesus tells a story about a servant and the master.  We in the West have a very black and white take on service.   Slavery tinges the word servant and makes us almost itch uncomfortably when confronted with this word.  Not so in South Asian cultures.   Servants in South Asia are the norm.  I am not saying that slavery is acceptable, honorable or good.  Within the culture norm of servants a lot of evil sin happens but also a lot of good also occurs.  Servants are not slaves.  There are slaves, just like here in our Western culture, which both cultures hide.  But there, unlike here, is a ethos of servants and masters.  A rather foreign relationship to us in the West.

Girls have protection from early teen marriages.  Boys learn a trade while eating enough food to give them strength to learn and grow and excel.  If they were at home they would not eat enough.  Widows have food for their tables and honorable jobs.  People are clothed, fed and earn money.  This is a touchy subject because such evil also happens within this realm however it is a cultural institution within which godly people operate with goodness and honor.  We do not have that reality in America.  People do hire people to clean their homes but the relationship is completely about business.  The closest that this South Asian relationship and reality comes to in a Western reality is nannies.  We must see this picture through a different lens to get at the meat of what Jesus is saying to us.

This is not a story of an evil master.  Not a story of a dictator but rather a story about our hearts of ingratitude.  Our hearts that seem to expect and require recognition.  Instead of following the Master from one task to another with joy and delight how often do I beg for a break in between.  My ultimate rest is heaven.  As I head for the season may my soul not take a break from obedience but rather strive to move forward with thanksgiving for my eternal salvation in humble submission to my King.

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