Also this summer we had Abe's birthday. He turned four. He now reads, writes stories, and knows his numbers to 23. His birthday was a great event with lots of lovely gifts the highlight being GUESS WHO a current family favorite game to play. Right after flashlight hide and seek in the dark.

Giving the most joy was MR. Smiley.
Mr. Smiley lasted long enough to take a trip with us to Duluth. He became an adopted family member till he was generously bequeathed to Grand-papa. This decision was mourned about two days later in a last minute regretful cry over the magnanimous generosity of a forgetful minute. Who knew Mr. Smiley true worth till he was gone.
A good reminder to tie balloons to your child's wrist.
If you forgot to buy party hats at the dollar store then just make them.
They might not stay on long but what party hat does?
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