Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Boys will be boys

He always wears his helmet, sometimes backwards.  Today the trick was pedaling furiously and then thrusting his legs up over the front tire and coasting.
Water is for splashing your sister!

"I saw these teenmen doing tricks so why can't I?"


Never letting a sitting bird sit!

Here I am stuck following him into the wild unknown.

Of late Abe's writing skills have taken off.  He recently wrote a letter to a nearby friend and after posting it waited patiently for the mail lady all morning.  She came during his nap not only taking his letter but dropping off a package from a dear friend in Duluth. 

You should have seen his jaw hit the floor when he opened up the mail box to see if his letter had been sent.  His eyes got as big as saucers!  It made his little life!  He may now be aspiring to be a mail man if he doesn't continue to grow in his Pauline tendencies.

This morning it was my joy to run bread over to a prego friend who makes me miss my two dear friends growing little people in their wombs.  I get to spoil a new friend in their place.  She has two little around Abe and Zana's ages so we hang out while our children literally "hang" at the park.  Abe colored them a picture and then dictated the following letter to me.  (the punctuation is his put in through increased volume and where you see an exclamation mark imagine his little fist pumping the air.  He got quite worked up over his little epistle.  I got the giggles and teary all in one.)

Pip, Logs, (not real names)

I love you.
Have a good time with your mommy.
Wead the Bible.
Everyday.  and every night.
Sing! Day and night.
Know that God is with you.
God IS with you!
God is good, trust Him more than anything else.
Be gentle with your sister......and brother.
The End.

Like I said a little Paul in the making.  So on that note...... the end.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! How wonderful!
    Love you guys! Glad I've gotten to see you all a bit more :)
