Monday, 19 May 2014

"Dorothy you ain't in India any more!"

Yesterday as I sat in the warm late afternoon sun in the short time before "blue hour" two neighbors talked up a storm as I watched my two little ones putter up and down the block. 

"We have big plans for this summer."

"Yeah, big plans."  echoed Skipper.

"We are going to wear shorts and tee-shirts."

"Yeah, and flip flops too."  Exclaimed Skipper.

The Captain thought about Skipper's deviation from her own big plans and added in a superior tone,
"And maybe tanktops."

"Yeah and tanktops." complied Skipper, much to Captain's obvious relief.

"And we are going to Florida."

At this point I got in a quick, "Really!"  and then in strident volumes hollered for Abe to turn around.
During that short correction intermission Skipper thought of a complimentary comment for Captain's revelation about their trip to Florida.

"Yeah or maybe Africa."

This threw Captain who directs all social interactions for the duo.  She is wider, taller, and stronger but still a year younger and Africa threw her little mind into wheels.  This was a great unknown.  Instead of addressing this comment she thrust both hands up at me with an intense passionate exclamation.

"Big. Plans.  We will go to Florida for nine, maybe ten days!"

"Yeah and maybe Africa."

At this second mention of Africa, Captain foreclosed that conversation and moved onto a gymnastic show solely for me in my front lawn.  When we finally went inside they were throwing rocks into the street, led of course by Captain.  No one was around to whack them on the head and put them to work.  I missed India.

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